
Jyoti Jha


When high cholesterol does not reduce then definitely adopt this method once. If you are troubled by high cholesterol then follow all these tips. I am not sure that your cholesterol will be reduced completely. To reduce cholesterol, today I will tell you about some things which you will have to follow. If you follow this, your cholesterol will reduce, but it can also be cured to some extent. If any of you are very…

7 such natural drinks, after drinking which cholesterol will be reduced. If you don’t believe then try it. Today I will tell you about 7 such drinks which will reduce cholesterol. All these drinks are 100% natural, you can try making them yourself at home, and you will see a lot of difference in cholesterol. Pomegranate juice Pomegranate is easily available in the market, it is rich in antioxidants which help in eliminating bad cholesterol.…

Many times, by mistake while cooking, chillies become too hot due to which the taste of the food gets spoiled. No matter how good the food is, if there is no balance between salt and pepper in it then it is not enjoyable to eat, the mind gets disturbed, at that time only one question arises in the mind how to reduce the spiciness of the vegetable. Now, if any such problem ever happens to…

There are so many benefits of green chillies that you will be surprised after reading this post today. Do you know that eating green chillies provides relief to the eyes? If you don’t know, then no problem, read my post till the last, today I am going to give you complete information about green chilli. Green chilli is very beneficial for both our health and mind. Eating green chilli gives many benefits to our bodies.…

Vegetables produced using organic i.e. natural ingredients are becoming popular nowadays. Many non-organic food products, especially vegetables, are being sold in the name of organic foods. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that we should be able to differentiate between organic and non-organic vegetables. So, today in this article we will know the ways by which we can easily identify whether the vegetable we are buying is organic or not. colour, shape and size…

People eat brinjal vegetables and bharta with great enthusiasm and it is also beneficial for health. People prepare brinjal curry in different ways, with onion and without onion. Before making brinjal vegetables, most people face the same problem whenever they buy brinjal from the market, sometimes insects come out of the brinjal. Because of this many people do not feel like eating brinjal again, but today I am going to tell you some easy tips…

Women get these 6 amazing benefits from fenugreek water. You will easily find fenugreek seeds in everyone’s kitchen, do you know how beneficial these fenugreek seeds are for the body? Today I will tell you about some of its benefits which you will be enthralled with. Just read this post till the end and follow all these tips. Fenugreek seeds not only enhance the taste of food but it is also very beneficial for our…

Why does eye flu occur? Its symptoms and easy home remedies to avoid this infection.Why does eye flu happen? Eye flu is also known as conjunctivitis or pink eye. Generally, many people also call it conjunctivitis. Eye flu spreads more due to dirt, waterlogging or rain. This disease spreads through infection, so they spread easily to each other. Symptoms Itching in the eyes, conjunctivitis, pink or pinkish appearance of the eyes. In eye flu, water…

Most of the people like Indian sweets. Today I am going to tell you about some Indian sweets which come in everyone’s house and everyone eats them with great enthusiasm, but still many people do not know which sweets. How many calories are in it? Today I am going to tell you about some such sweets, which sweets contain how many calories. The first one is: Gulab Jamun. Hearing the name of Gulab Jamun, your…

You may not have seen or heard of an easier method than this to cure cholesterol, it is a very helpful and easy method. Adopt it once and tell us whether it proved beneficial for you or not? The easiest way to eliminate high cholesterol from its roots is to use turmeric, I will tell you how and when in the next post. Cholesterol gets eliminated from the roots by the use of turmeric. Turmeric…